Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
Hasil foto dengan Sony Ericsson W705
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
Dan dari bola voli putra dilaporkan
Senin, 22 Maret 2010
new External HD Seagate
Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010
PDU 07 Bukit vs PDU 09 Bukit 5-0 (PORMAFKA 2010)
Chani(GK), rooban, nantha, arif, diego, ayie, fitrah, adnan, aboy (me),syaiful, dan rendy...dan d bangku penonton nampak beberapa teman sekelas..(thnks udah mau datang dan kasi dukungan;maap gk d sebut satu2..kbnyakan,,hehehe).
Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiit,,peluit wasit pun berbunyi.Pertandingan pun dimulai...Awalnya agak kesulitan main karena banyak genangan air..kira2 mnit ke 10..ayie ngasi umpan terobosan ke aq yg lolos dri kwalan bek tim 09..dan gooool,,1-0
beberapa menit kemudian...adnan ngasi umpan terobosan lagi ke aq..dan bola nya aq kirm ke tengah yg ada rendy dan fitrah,,tapi berhubung fitrah lari lebih cepat..dia yg nyetak gol kedua kami lewat "tendangan membantai"..hehe..
1st half score 2-0
2nd half...kami menambah 3 gol lagi lewat tndangan kaki kiriku dan lagi2 umpan dari ayie, trus syaiful mencetak gol ke-4 mnyembut umpan aku...(hohoho)..dan ditutup oleh gol ayie dari hmpir stgah lapangan,,wlaupun sbenarnya mau mmberi umpan ke rendy,,tapi malah masuk ke gwanag 09,,hohoho..(kasian rendy yg gagal mnfaatinnya jdi gol)..kami sibuk merayakn gol ayie eh si rendy malah kesal gk nyetak gol,,hahahahahaaaaaaa
dan lengkap lah kemengan kami dgn score 5-0...congrats buat semua...partai selanjutnya kami bakalan tanding melwan angkatan 04,,semoga menang lagi...amin,,
Minggu, 14 Maret 2010
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
Hanashi (mobile chat for Sony Ericsson)
preview :
There's no signing up
A great thing is that you don't have to register a user name, password or give away your e-mail address to start using Hanashi. Simply download it here and you are good to go. Hanashi uses your phone number as identifier so there's nothing extra to remember or register, just chat away.
Have you already downloaded and want some help getting started? Click here for instructions.
And how much does it cost? download dan coba aplikasinya...
All of your friends
You can easily see which of your friends that are using Hanashi because Hanashi is connected to your regular phonebook. And you can just as easily add them to your Hanashi contact list. If they aren't already using Hanashi you just invite them. Hanashi sends an SMS with your message along with a link to download Hanashi. From that moment on they too are added to your contact list. If they download Hanashi, you can start to make use of all great features, but if they don't, you can keep sending them SMS's via Hanashi. Hanashi works as your main communication center even if your friends aren't using it.
Not always online - but never offline
Unlike other chat applications, you are never really offline with Hanashi. If your Hanashi client is turned off and someone sends you a message, Hanashi will start automatically and you will get the message*. It works both ways so you can always reach your friends even if they have turned off Hanashi. What happens is that Hanashi sends an SMS that kick starts your friend's application, and then you should both keep your applications on until you are finished chatting. You don't have to pay for being online when you don't want to, but you are still always available. Clever, right?
* You always have the choice of not accepting the message right away, and if you don't Hanashi won't connect and instead turn off again.
Works on many phones
Hanashi works on a lot of phones, even if you and your friend have different brands of phones you can still connect. We have verified Hanashi on most Sony Ericsson models, some Nokia models and are working on more models and more manufactures as we speak. Check the FAQ for more info.
Saying exactly how much things cost is a bit complicated. It is a jungle out there with all those operators and types of subscriptions. We have compared some and it varies quite a bit. It's mostly really cheap, and in some cases you even save up to 75% of the cost compared using regular SMS and phone services*.
Basically you pay for data traffic when you use Hanashi so check your subscription for pricing details. Hanashi has a function that lets you see how much data and how many SMS's you have sent using Hanashi, making it really simple to calculate the cost.
A normal text message in Hanashi cost less than 1 kB which in almost all cases are way less than an SMS. As long as your friends have Hanashi turned on you only pay for data transfer, otherwise it's take an SMS to kick start their application. Many subscriptions offers free SMS's and in those cases Hanashi isn't cheaper. But Hanashi being cheaper isn't really the point, it's what you can do with Hanashi for a very low cost that's important. Hanashi is filled with nice features. And there are also a lot of subscriptions that gives you free data traffic, and then Hanashi is basically free. The same is true if you use Wi-Fi.
Keep in mind that if you are abroad or communicate with another country, the subscriptions usually have other prices than back home. Free SMS's and free data traffic are rarely included. Since Hanashi uses very little data traffic (at least if you only send text messages) it's usually very cheap even if you are abroad, and again, keep your eyes open for those Wi-Fi spots. If you have a friend living abroad just keep Hanashi turned on and all your communication will be much cheaper than regular phone usage. This is by the way how it works with "Try Hanashi" since everyone using that function have Hanashi turned on.
Kamis, 11 Maret 2010
MUNAS AMSA (Asian Medical Student Association) tahun ini akan dilangsungkan di Palembang insyaAllah tanggal 3-4 Juli 2010.
Gambaran umum acara ini adalah berupa pembacaan LPJ tiap univ. yang tergabung dalam AMSA, LPJ EB, pembahasan AD/ART, bidding rakernas dihari pertama dan hari kedua berupa kampanye RC dan pemilihan RC baru. dilanjutkan Musi Tour...
Sebagai Ketua Pelaksana, saya akan memberikan kemajuan2 persiapan untuk acara ini..
Senin, 01 Maret 2010
Block 17 - Reproductive System
hari ini 1 Maret 2010 blok 17 dimulai..awalnya menarik sih,tapi ujung-ujungnya udah gk konsen belajar lagi..kelas panas banget trus pljarannya gk menarik,,huff..semoga deh besok ada yg menarik kuliahnya dan TIDAK PANAS lagi kelasnya...
intinya adalah WELCOME BLOCK 17